Fire and Water
Over the summer while riding the ferry to a brand gig, the tv caught my attention as a neon pink can of ROCKAWAY SODA flashed on the screen. Transforming into tourist mode, I pulled out my phone to take a photo and celebrate the moment. I’ve known Bridget aka @drinkrockaway via Instagram for a few years. She’s fun, engaging, full of energy, and supportive when I’ve had a business question or needed a photography event sponsor. She’s never once hesitated. I’m a huge fan of her delicious healthy sodas in bright cans covered in beautiful Rockaway graffiti and an even bigger fan of her business savvy. Bridget’s a powerhouse. She’s been on the Forbes 30 Under 30, managed a successful Wall Street career, and created New York’s only rum distillery. All the while, Bridget has never lost her intimate relationship with New York City, the ocean, and her beloved Rockaway.
On a cloudy Saturday morning, Bridget drives from her place in the city and meets me at my place in Rockaway. We’ve rescheduled a few times. Even though the unexpected clouds present a different sort of photo shoot, we agree to just do it. Carrying a backpack and a box of Rockaway Soda tucked under her arm, she tells me she’s nervous as we hug and combine all of our bags and props for our shoot. She’s taller in person with a lion’s mane of wild, glorious golden hair and a powerful, energetic presence. She smiles a lot, and it’s totally infectious, erasing any initial fears I had of her possibly being intimidating. Literally the minute our bare feet hit the sand, the rain starts. In true Bridget form, she’s entirely committed as my muse for the next hour and a half.
A week later I meet Bridget at the Chambers Street train stop, her work and home hub, a spot where past and present intersect. The epitome of cool, she’s wearing a plain black t-shirt, light washed jeans, and a pair of black and white hightop Vans. Whether in shorts on the beach or Vans on the street, Bridget looks right at home. It’s who she is as a person. She takes a brief second to “shake it out,” which makes us both laugh, before transforming back into muse mode. Listening to my direction, she poses on the street as people rush past us. Wrapping up shooting on the subway steps, we head towards the pier as she points out places that have always been a part of her life, like the building where she attended high school, the bar where she and her friends partied religiously back in the day and almost bought together when it recently came on the market. A quick wardrobe change, and she’s in a faux fur vest, slim pants and a long gold chain with a beautiful lion charm her parents gifted her years ago. We roam less crowded streets for our final part of the shoot, where we’re able to chase light and be bold.
Riley: Bridget, thank you so much for talking with me. Really excited for this interview and our beach photo shoot!
BF: Me too! I’m so happy to be collaborating with you. Your photos are so powerful and I’ve been such a fangirl from behind the screen. Plus another Rockaway ocean lover - a match made in heaven!
This wild side of the city changed my life five years ago. I’d completely lost my connection to the outdoors while focusing on raising a family and building a career. It wasn’t until I moved to Rockaway as an empty nester that I reconnected with being outside and in nature and embracing that peacefulness and lifestyle change. How have you managed staying connected to the wild, what you’ve called your happy place, while running your businesses?
BF: It’s funny - I love both the chaos and fiery energy of the NYC streets and the calm of the ocean. I’m a Leo (major fire sign) and I thrive in the intensity of the city energy but, I need the water to soothe me. I’m sure it’s part that and part that I was born and raised in Rockaway on the beach and in the ocean – it truly is home. On the sand and in the water is where I feel the most at peace. I maintain this particular fire-water balance by spending my weekdays in Manhattan focusing on my business and using the city’s energy to fuel me and I spend the weekends in Rockaway slowing down (a challenge for me!). The quiet, desolate off season is my favorite. The winter beach, cold water plunges, ah the best.
What is the major difference(s) in running ROCKAWAY SODA and running Owney’s Rum?
BF: Oh boy. How much time and space do we have for this response? Haha. Everything is different. The fact that they are both liquids might be the only commonality. I’m being a little facetious, but : different consumable categories, different sales channels, different distributors, different brands/messages/aesthetics, different missions. I’m also coming at ROCKAWAY SODA from a much different perspective and tons of experience – it’s more about my home and soul, it has a more purposeful mission to provide a healthy alternative to traditional soda, and more about conscious consumption offering a give back to the planet. I’m thinking much bigger. I know more. I’m setting up the fundamentals to have a sound and solid foundation for growth and scale. It’s leveling up 100%+.
Why is it so important for ROCKAWAY SODA to have Surfrider as a partner, and what exactly does that mean?
BF: I think it’s important for ROCKAWAY SODA to have a non-profit partner that has a mission that’s aligned. In this case it’s to put resources towards ocean conservation. We worked through our accreditation and partnership with 1% for the Planet to find the Surfrider Foundation whose values are synergistic with our mission at ROCKAWAY SODA. It was so important for me to have a pillar to this company that invoked conscious consumption. I believe you can do well by doing good. Obviously the ocean is near and dear to me so it was the clear choice in determining our ‘why’ and where to put our consumers’ hard earned dollars to work. 1% of all sales made of ROCKAWAY SODA go directly to helping protect the ocean. Soda that’s better-for-you and better-for-the-planet.
“Kicking yourself back into balance in real time is powerful.”
What’s your earliest memory of the ocean?
BF: I think Memorial Day weekends when I was really young – maybe like 3 or 4 years old. My Dad always jumped in the water to start the season with one of our neighbors. As you know, the water is still pretty cold at the end of May and the air temperature is a crapshoot (it was generally very mild in May 35+ years ago). But, as a kid you don’t remember the cold and without a doubt we were going to the beach and kicking off the summer season. There are some good home vhs videos somewhere…
What do you love most about Rockaway Beach?
BF: The people. It’s so old school and community oriented. Everyone’s hanging out in real life and looking out for each other. My friends from childhood in Rockaway are the definition of chosen family. Deep roots - a really hard thing to come by in 2024.
It seems as if everything you touch turns to gold. To some, it may even seem effortless. But if you pull back the curtain, and take a look inside, it’s instantly obvious that work ethic, drive, and confidence guide your success. What does it take to be successful? And how do you build the confidence to go with it?
BF: Haha I’m glad I’m maintaining such an image on the outside. This perception makes it look and sound so simple. As you say, there is so much behind the scenes work. Not only the endless to-do lists, everyday problems to solve, general capacity to figure shit out and think on large and small scales, but the more I grow and push the limits the more I realize the biggest key to success is ultimately a mind game. If you can conquer the voices in your head or at least learn to flow with them you will win. It is MUCH easier said than done. It’s a constant, evolving, never ending process if you keep pushing yourself to new levels. And there are endless levels. The mental health tolls of taking huge risks without any guarantees or visibility into the future can be debilitating. So many unknowns. So many uncontrollable variables. I read recently that entrepreneurs are a lot like artists – seeking chaos. And the successful entrepreneurs excel at thriving in and temporarily controlling the chaos. It resonated with me. I work on my mindset every day - wanting to occupy the one I call ‘totally unstoppable’. I do this through heightening my awareness and use many tools and tactics – moving my body, breathwork, journaling, vision boards, deep internal listening, stillness, slowing down. You have to push past the mind and go into the gut and heart. Align all three as frequently as possible and you will stay true to yourself, your decision making will come from a grounded place and your vision will remain sharp.
Chambers Street Subway Station, New York City
You and your husband have been together since you were kids, right? I mean that’s a success too. Relationships are hard. Do you feel like you approach personal relationships in much the same way you approach work?
BF: Yes, Harry and I have been together for close to 20 years. Wild! I truly believe that he is my soulmate. That sounds so lame and I am FAR from a romantic. But, you hear a lot of luck talk in interviews with successful business people. I think I got lucky finding and connecting with Harry (thanks to a nudge from mutual good friends). It has, for the most part, really been effortless. We just work. He’s seen me since before I even got my first job on Wall Street and now through the ups and downs of 2 businesses since. This time with a family on the line. I could not be authentically me without his multifaceted support. A true partner in every sense of the word.
As far as personal relationships outside of my marriage, I do not approach them the same way as work. I don’t overthink them. I tend to think A LOT about business which is my gift and also a curse. My personal relationships are easier. I don’t strategize them. Less effort. No push or force. More fluid. However, I show up big. That’s a similarity. I don’t take them for granted and understand they require work. I make time. I give big energy. I also have to say that I’ve attracted a pretty stellar group of friends over the years who I am also eternally grateful for – they fill me with joy, security and positive energy.
How did having your son change you?
BF: Also need a book’s worth of space to answer this one. So many of the things ‘they’ say are true. You can never really be prepared for what’s going to happen when you have a child. For me, it totally stopped me in my tracks. Like the initial high of a new baby was incredible – literally nothing else seemed to matter. This was it. I had struggled with the decision to have or not to have children for years and ultimately decided to jump in and was SO glad I did once Neilan was born. Then the dust settled and the identity crisis set in. How could I combine my old self with my new self? What needed to shed and be let go? What were my new priorities? What was most important? I’d say it took about 12-18 months to figure that out and it’s ever changing. I now prioritize my time a lot differently and only hold space and energy for what truly matters in my new definition of ‘what matters.’ The whole experience is so joyful, so destabilizing, so humbling, so fulfilling, so exhausting and has provided SO MUCH GROWTH in such a short period of time. Truly incredible. Forever grateful.
You talk a lot about balance. In theory it sounds simple, but I believe it’s anything but simple. Why is balance so important? What are your keys to finding and maintaining balance in your life, both personally and professionally?
BF: Balance and alignment is key to maintaining correct, grounded energy levels. You are constantly getting pushed off the tracks of alignment and you have to come back to center. There is so much noise in the world. Maintaining balance helps you approach circumstances from a better state which gives clarity of thought and leads to more effective decision making which renders a higher probability of a better outcome and a more likely chance that everything will turn out great. A game of chance for sure, but self regulation helps keep you in command. I feel a bit like a broken record, but it’s about awareness and knowing yourself and what you need. Recognizing your pace, your energy, your emotional and physical states. And figuring out and eventually knowing what you need to realign and balance. For me, it’s physical movement, deep thought, hard work, good rest, fun, partying, eating healthy, indulging, laughing, crying. In my opinion you need it all. And you should have everything you want because you really can have it all. You can create the space. Knowing what’s in your tool box and what works for you is so clutch. Some days I need a walk, some days I need a nap, some days I need to be at my desk in deep thought for hours on end, some days I need 2 martinis and a basket of fries for dinner, some days I need green juice and salads, some days I just need to jump around and scream. It’s really an imperfect science. It’s self care but often you just don’t get it right and you're off the tracks for a while until you re-balance. But if you go too far away from yourself, you’ll burn out and then you’re screwed. Productivity down. Decision making power down. Negative thoughts. Loss of mindset. Crash. Takes a lot more effort to pick yourself back up from that. Kicking yourself back into balance in real time is powerful.
“What you focus on expands—it will fuel you.”
What advice would you give someone who’s thinking of starting a business?
BF: Commit. Commit. Commit. To everything. Surrender to lows. Enjoy and soak in the little wins along the way (something I could get way better at!). Focus on the wins. Keep a list. Refer back to it. What you focus on expands - it will fuel you. Find practices that help you work on your mindset that keeps your energy right to stay in the game. Use them. Every day. Multiple times a day. Be amenable to change (it’s inevitable and frequent), but hold a clear vision. Like super clear. As granular as possible. For today, tomorrow, this week, this month, this quarter, this year, and then next 4 years. Check in with the vision. Allow yourself to change it but gut check - know when it’s YOU changing the vision or all the loud ass noise that’s going to be circulating around you at all times. Acknowledge the external voices and the internal ones. Continuously truth-seek and re-establish your truth. It’s allowed to change when it needs to. Be open to all the possibilities. The closer you get to the truth the better your decision making capabilities will be. Get quiet. Often. Get still and listen to your gut. Out of your head and into your heart and gut. Just keep moving.
Who are your role models?
BF: My parents. They are so strong. Tough. And so smart. And so savvy. And so tenacious. And humble. And kind. They came from the streets of Brooklyn and took themselves to new heights. I am who I am because they supported me, taught me how to build businesses and to persevere. To stay in the fight.
One of the things I admire most about you is your lack of fear. You just seem ready to conquer anything and everything that comes your way. And if it doesn’t come your way, you’ll go and get it yourself. What’s your relationship with fear?
BF: Oh I have fears - lots of them! I’m internally terrified and externally calm. I think the challenge and work is to create the right relationship with fear. Or with any of your thoughts, emotions and feelings for that matter. When I started Owney’s Rum, there was way less fear. I was young, blindly naive, and so very driven. There were lows and fear but I didn’t know enough so there was less to worry about. With ROCKAWAY SODA I know too much post Owney’s experience and I also now have a family to concern myself with. I think the key is to continue heightening your awareness and get to know yourself better every day. Understand the thought patterns, the triggers, the loops, etc. Catch them, pop them. Don’t let the fear, which is a future based emotion not founded in truth, grip you and cause a spiral. I have some tricks that help me. Sometimes I catch the thought and do 10 jumping jacks or burpees to move the energy and change the state. Shake it off. Say “No” to the thought and shut that shit down. Sometimes I go through a series of logical and rational questions that I ask myself – ‘What is the worst thing that could happen? How likely is it to occur? Can I control that outcome? If so, what can I do right now to take action to mitigate the risk and reduce the worst case scenario?’ Then I take what I need from the answers in the form of action, or let the thought go if there is no basis. Fast. The faster you act or let go, the better. No festering. It helps to rewire your brain and default mode network. It’s neuroplasticity in action.
It’s oh so pivotal to have pockets of fun and find moments of joy in every day and to notice them and drink them in.
And fun? What role does fun play in your life? I gotta admit, it looks like you have a lot of fun in your day to day life.
BF: Fun is everything! At the end of the day, every day is a gift. And most everything else - fears, worry, stress, bs - is so meaningless when you take the pause to step back (easier said than done). If you’re not having fun, what are you doing wrong? How can you change that? I wasn’t having fun at the end of my Wall Street days, so I built a rum distillery. I wasn’t having fun working for the company that acquired Owney’s, so I started a soda company. I’m not saying all day every day is fun. But it’s oh so pivotal to have pockets of fun and find moments of joy in every day and to notice them and drink them in. Life is too short.
Fun with a toddler looks a bit different than fun looked before (haha) and I’m sure fun when my son is a bit older will look different yet again. Fun is so energizing and helps me stay in the game! Go out and play, however you might define that – drinking, laughing, dancing, games, new experiences, new restaurants, travel. With other people in the damn flesh. It can be so life giving. Make time for it – prioritize it in your calendar.
I love quotes. Powerful quotes feed my soul, especially when I’m in need of a little boost. Do you have a favorite quote?
BF: I also love quotes! So I can’t pick a favorite. Here are some of my go-tos:
Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. - Mike Tyson
You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. - Rocky
There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either IN or you’re OUT. There is no such thing as life in between. ~ Pat Riley
I really think a champion is defined not by their wins, but how they can recover when they fail. - Serena Williams
My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging. - Hank Aaron
It’s more difficult to stay on top than to get there. - Mia Hamm
If you have everything under control, you’re not moving fast enough. – Mario Andretti
During my 18 years, I came to bat almost 10,000 times. I struck out about 1700 times and walked maybe 1800 times. You figure a ball player will average 500 at bats a season. That means I played seven years without ever hitting the ball. – Mickey Mantle
What’s next for you?
BF: I’m working every day to stay present. I think one of my strengths as a business person is staying 2,3,4,1000 steps ahead but it can also lead to missing the moments. Then everything becomes one big blur. Next is now.
Bridget, what are two or three things you know for sure?
BF: Your thoughts are the most limiting part of your capacity. What you focus on expands. Fun is so important – share moments with people. 99% of situations are not that serious when you step back. The ocean is healing.
Rockaway Soda displayed on the NYC Ferry